All in Sales

Zynga Has Our Attention

he world has changed a lot in short amount of time, and the way buying happens has changed along with it. Today we live in an attention economy, and getting your message out can be really challenging. Today we are going talk about how one company is capturing that attention share.

We have with us Cerisse Velasco from Zynga a global leader in interactive entertainment and a wholly-owned label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc the gaming giant.

Revolutionizing Sales Pipelines with AI: An Interview with Vitaly Golomb

I am talking with Vitaly Golumb, Co-Founder and CEO of SofieLabs. Sofie is a next-gen CRM that uses AI to automate the sales process, addressing the challenges of maximizing your marketing, to enhance your inbound sales process. With companies desperate to build pipeline, Sofie provides businesses with an always available, multilingual, global virtual workforce.

Helping The Small Stand Tall, Constant Contact Marketing For The Small Business Market

We spend a lot of time talking to young companies focused on the enterprise market, but today we are going to switch things up and look at a company that has weathered the technology storms and is still standing many years later. We are going to talk with them about how they managed all the changes in the industry, and how new technology is transforming their business.

Securing Sensitive Data in the Cloud with Veza: A FUTR Podcast

Do you know who has access to our most sensitive data. Seems like it should be an easy question, but in a world increasingly dominated by distributed cloud and hybrid cloud environments, this can be a harder question than you think to answer. That assumes you even know how to go about finding those answers. Today we are talking with a company that can solve that problem for you.

FUTR Podcast: Our 100th Episode!

It's hard to believe we have done 100 episodes of the podcast. We have had a great time interviewing so many interesting people and companies. It has been a fun ride, and we are looking forward to a whole lot more

So, today we talk about ourselves and the show. Thanks to everyone who has supported the show to get us to 100.

Solve the Supply Chain Disaster with ParcelLab - Interview with Founder and CTO Julian Krenge

Supply chain issues have consistently been in the news. We are seeing lead times for some products more than a year out. Quite frankly some of these items will be end of life before they are ever shipped. Businesses are desperately struggling to just manage to this situation, much less provide a great customer experience. Today we are talking to a company that is helping to solve this problem.

High Octane SaaS with Octane founder Akash Khanolkar

Here at FUTRtech, we love startups, and today we are going to talk with an early stage company with an idea that could one day solve a big problem in the industry. We have talked about the massive shift to subscription and consumption based models before, but with that comes enormous challenges in managing all of those subscriptions. Today we are going to talk with a company that is building a platform to solve that problem

Building Your Personal Brand With LinkedIn's John McGrath

Have you been wanting to know how to get more out of LinkedIn, but were afraid to ask? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because we are going to be talking about all things LinkedIn.

When John McGrath moved back to Dublin Ireland in the middle of a recession, it was difficult to find a job, and he leaned heavily on LinkedIn to make it all happen. From then on, he was hooked. For years he worked with LinkedIn as a customer of LinkedIn, but eventually, he got the chance to work for them, as a Global Customer Success Manager there.