All in Lifestyle

Electric Hydrofoiling into the Future: Transforming Water Travel with David Tyler!

We have with us, David Tyler, Co-Founder and Managing Director, North America of Artemis Technologies, who is working to bring sustainable, future-proof mass transit to our waterways. We are going to talk about how they are building new technology for fast, efficient electric aquatic vehicle which can help solve the mass travel challenges of urban settings by prioritizing waterways while enhancing the tourism/consumer experience.

Zynga Has Our Attention

he world has changed a lot in short amount of time, and the way buying happens has changed along with it. Today we live in an attention economy, and getting your message out can be really challenging. Today we are going talk about how one company is capturing that attention share.

We have with us Cerisse Velasco from Zynga a global leader in interactive entertainment and a wholly-owned label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc the gaming giant.

Life Updates: My Diabetic Story, Career Transition, and Content Creation

A lot has been going on for me, and I wanted to give you a look into what is going on.

First things first, I did a video a while back about some health problems that I was having. I was having some strange Premature Ventricle Contractions that took me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist was concerned about my high blood pressure and my cholesterol and triglycerides. Not wildly uncommon for someone in my demographic.

Failure is not an Option: Inside the early days of Resactly with Fisayo Oluwadiya

Today we have with us Fisayo Oluwadiya, founder of Resactly a tool that helps groups of people find the best restaurants based on everyones individual food preferences and dietary restrictions. It finds the sweet spot of restaurants so nobody is left out. Fisayo is just at the beginning of her journey with this company. She has her MVP up and running, but now she needs to grow it into a profitable business. So we are going to talk to her about what that journey looks like.

Understanding Our Relationship with Alcohol: The Making of the 'Earnest Drinker' Documentary

Today we are talking with Scott Burton who has had a complex relationship with alcohol throughout his life. This inspired Scott to take a look at his history, creating a hybrid documentary called Earnest Drinker, that asks the questions, why do we drink and why we stop. He takes a look at the spectrum of alcohol use and its normalization.

Street Art Hunting - Exploring the Best of Street Art With Ralph Andre of CANVS

Many people are familiar with the street art of Banksy, but all over the world, artists are using the urban landscape as a public gallery. Many cities have become known for their street art, cities like Barcelona, New York, Detroit, Chicago all have vibrant art scenes. Detroit has used it as way to fight back urban blight and create a real draw for tourists.

Burning Down The House, a Quick PSA

Watch out for all those old devices with lithium batteries. The batteries will eventually go bad and could start a fire.

I recently found an old iPhone in my basement that was about to become a major problem. So go and check your junk drawers for any old electronics that might have batteries that could burst and start a fire.

Finding Inspiration In The New Year

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt, welcome to another FUTRtech video podcast.

What a year it has been, hard to tell it apart form the previous year. We have been through so much with the pandemic upending our lives.

I know I have struggled to find inspiration and creativity through this, and I know a lot of you have felt the same way. Now that we are faced with yet another major outbreak and what that may bring, it all seems overwhelming.