All in Art

Zynga Has Our Attention

he world has changed a lot in short amount of time, and the way buying happens has changed along with it. Today we live in an attention economy, and getting your message out can be really challenging. Today we are going talk about how one company is capturing that attention share.

We have with us Cerisse Velasco from Zynga a global leader in interactive entertainment and a wholly-owned label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc the gaming giant.

Street Art Hunting - Exploring the Best of Street Art With Ralph Andre of CANVS

Many people are familiar with the street art of Banksy, but all over the world, artists are using the urban landscape as a public gallery. Many cities have become known for their street art, cities like Barcelona, New York, Detroit, Chicago all have vibrant art scenes. Detroit has used it as way to fight back urban blight and create a real draw for tourists.