All in Security

Keeping Users Safe from The Dark Side of the Internet - Winning with WebPurify

Today we are talking with Josh Buxbaum, co-founder of WebPurify, a content moderation platform. Josh is going to tell us about how they are trying to keep us all safe from dangerous people on the Internet. If you are not policing the content on your site, you are going to change your thinking by the time we are done here.

Securing Sensitive Data in the Cloud with Veza: A FUTR Podcast - #109

Do you know who has access to our most sensitive data. Seems like it should be an easy question, but in a world increasingly dominated by distributed cloud and hybrid cloud environments, this can be a harder question than you think to answer. That assumes you even know how to go about finding those answers. Today we are talking with a company that can solve that problem for you.

The Bionic Man - Application Security Posture Management with Matt Rose - #8

In the world of security, operationalizing your security is a big challenge. Most companies don't have a good perspective on where their biggest threats lie, and what should be their focus. This means that money and effort doesn't always provide the biggest bang for the buck. Today we are going to be talking with a company that helps you understand you threat profile so you can build the right defenses.

Facial Recognition is Everywhere, Doing it Ethically with Cyberlink's FaceMe - #80

Facial recognition is everywhere. We have heard stories about all kinds of surveillance, but facial recognition is even more integrated into our lives than you may realize. Every time I access my phone, it uses facial recognition, when you use filters on popular apps, that is facial recognition. Even the camera I am using right now is tracking my eyes to focus. Today we are going to talk with a company that builds one of these systems.

Battling Business Email Compromise with Abnormal Security's CISO Mike Britton - #73

We have spent a lot of time talking about Ransomeware, and a main attack vector is phishing emails, but there is another very large problem that comes from malicious emails and that is BEC or Business Email Compromise. In fact, the FBI's IC3 reported that there were more than 4.2 billion in losses tied to cyber crime in 2020, and BEC accounted for 60% of that.