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Solve the Supply Chain Disaster with ParcelLab - Interview with Founder and CTO Julian Krenge

Supply chain issues have consistently been in the news. We are seeing lead times for some products more than a year out. Quite frankly some of these items will be end of life before they are ever shipped. Businesses are desperately struggling to just manage to this situation, much less provide a great customer experience. Today we are talking to a company that is helping to solve this problem.

Hello Metaverse! With Surreal CMO Adam Voss

What the heck is the Metaverse? Everybody is talking about it. It is supposed to usher in a grand new world, but what s it really, and who is building it. Hang tight, because we are about to talk to someone doing just that.

Welcome to another FUTRtech video podcast today we have back Adam Voss from Surreal, and they are one of the leaders in the space. They are working with Unreal engine and Epic Games to build out this virtual world, and today we are going to find out just where things are at, and when we can get to the Oasis.

Doing the Right Thing - B-Corps With Tim Frick

It seems like every day we see headlines about some public company behaving badly. Whether it is environmental disasters, abuse of workers, or just plain theft, companies often don’t have an overarching mission to do good. This shouldn’t be a surprise, because the main job description for the CEO of a public company is to maximize shareholder profits.

Building Your Personal Brand With LinkedIn's John McGrath

Have you been wanting to know how to get more out of LinkedIn, but were afraid to ask? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because we are going to be talking about all things LinkedIn.

When John McGrath moved back to Dublin Ireland in the middle of a recession, it was difficult to find a job, and he leaned heavily on LinkedIn to make it all happen. From then on, he was hooked. For years he worked with LinkedIn as a customer of LinkedIn, but eventually, he got the chance to work for them, as a Global Customer Success Manager there.

Building A Unicorn With VAST Data Founder Jeff Denworth

One of the things we don’t spend enough time talking about is how hard it is to build a business. Bringing an idea to market requires so many factors to align it can be mind-blowing. We are going to talk to someone who is a veteran of the startup space to tell us what it is really like.

Today we are talking with VAST Data CMO and co-founder Jeff Denworth about what it takes to bring a product to market in a competitive industry. We are going to talk about the challenges, compromises, tradeoffs and difficult decisions that go into it. We are also going to talk about the ingredients needed to not just build a great product, but a great company, and we are going to learn a bit about VAST Data and what makes it tick.

Reinventing Yourself During a Pandemic with Nick Tasler

Today we are going to be talking about re-invigorating your career during a Pandemic with Organizational Psychologist Nick Tasler who appeared in Podcast #9 back in May of 2020.

When we first talked with Nick Tasler in May of last year, he was trying to figure out what he was going to do when the events industry went into lockdown effectively ending his work as a keynote speaker. We talked about pivoting, and Nick made a great pivot.

All about Qumulo with Molly Presley

In 2012, Isilon veterans, Neal Fachan, Peter Godman, and Aaron Passey set out to create a new vision for storage. After extensive market research and development, they released the file-based storage platform Qumulo in 2014. Most recently, they finished a substantial funding round with a valuation over a billion dollars. They have built a software defined storage product that is built to run in the data center or in the cloud, focusing on performance and simplicity and looking to rewrite the storage playbook. And, I can tell you that they are popping up in deals all over the place. Today we have with us Molly Presley who runs global product marketing for Qumulo to tell us the story of Qumulo and where they are headed.

eMERGE Update with Adam Voss

Unfortunately, do to the challenges presented by the Coronavirus the FUTRtech eMERGE 2020 Chicago conference has been cancelled. Tune in for an update on the conference and the world of marketing.

Adam Updates us on the world of marketing, and we talk about building your brand in 2020.