Making Great Podcasts, With Modern CTO's Joel Beasley

Making Great Podcasts, With Modern CTO's Joel Beasley

Are you struggling to find a way to elevate your brand and share your story. In a post-pandemic world, a lot has changed. Getting your message out there requires a new approach. So today, we are going to be talking podcasting.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR video podcast.

Before we get started, I just wanted to ask you to think about subscribing. 95% of the people who watch these videos are not subscribed, it really helps the channel and it would be greatly appreciated.

Today we are talking with ModernCTO, the #1 Leadership and Tech podcast with an audience of more than 88 thousand tech leaders. They have done more than 500 episodes with some of the biggest names in tech.

We have with us ModernCTO founder and Host Joel Beasley to tell us their story, and to tell us about their business and about how they help companies get started with podcasting. Joel is going to give you some tips and we are going to compare notes on the thrilling life of podcasting.

Welcome Joel


ProSeries Media:

ModernCTO Book:


FUTRtech focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly video podcasts where Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talk with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

Occasionally we share links to products we use. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

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