Dirt, Fun, and High-Tech: Dust Moto's Game-Changing Electric Dirtbikes

Dirt, Fun, and High-Tech: Dust Moto's Game-Changing Electric Dirtbikes

Today we are going to be focusing on technology that really makes life fun, so stay tuned.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with another FUTR podcast.

We have with us Colin Godby, CEO & Founder at Dust Moto. Dust Moto. is building the electric dirt bike the industry wants, and needs. They are now taking limited pre-orders fir their Hightail, A lightweight, powerful, and effortlessly intuitive electric dirtbike built right here in the U.S.A.

So we are going to talk with Colin about what inspires him and what makes the Hightail so much fun.

Welcome Colin

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