The Awe and Excitement of Oilstainlab's New HF11 Supercar Brings the Joy Back to Driving
When you mix beauty, engineering and and pure excitement into something that just makes you say, "Hell Yes!", you get a supercar that will blow your mind. Oilstainlab's HF11 is a car built for drivers.
Today we have with us Nitkita Bridan. In 2019, he and his brother Ilya formed Oilstainlabs, to begin producing a one of a kind supercar. The HF11 is a 650hp, 2000 lbs, vehicle that is the perfect mix of heritage, cutting-edge technology, precision engineering, and pure anarchy. With an interchangeable internal combustion or EV powerplant, the HF-11 is being honed to be the ultimate street legal vehicle. Only 25 limited edition cars will be available worldwide with 11 going to discriminating buyers as part of an exclusive “Maniac” package.
So let's talk with Nikita about how they engineered all the excitement into this vehicle.
Welcome Nikita.