Revolutionizing Sales Pipelines with AI: An Interview with Vitaly Golomb

I am talking with Vitaly Golumb, Co-Founder and CEO of SofieLabs. Sofie is a next-gen CRM that uses AI to automate the sales process, addressing the challenges of maximizing your marketing, to enhance your inbound sales process. With companies desperate to build pipeline, Sofie provides businesses with an always available, multilingual, global virtual workforce.

Reviving Hydrogen: A Conversation with Matt Krayton on the Future of Clean Energy

Today we have with us Matt Krayton. Matthew is the Communications Lead at the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub ( MACH2 ) Mach2 is a Hydrogen Hub, Created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program is awarding up to $7 billion to establish 7 clean hydrogen hubs across the country. Their mission is to bring together producers, users, distributors and stakeholders to build a better hydrogen future.

Life Updates: My Diabetic Story, Career Transition, and Content Creation

A lot has been going on for me, and I wanted to give you a look into what is going on.

First things first, I did a video a while back about some health problems that I was having. I was having some strange Premature Ventricle Contractions that took me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist was concerned about my high blood pressure and my cholesterol and triglycerides. Not wildly uncommon for someone in my demographic.

Failure is not an Option: Inside the early days of Resactly with Fisayo Oluwadiya

Today we have with us Fisayo Oluwadiya, founder of Resactly a tool that helps groups of people find the best restaurants based on everyones individual food preferences and dietary restrictions. It finds the sweet spot of restaurants so nobody is left out. Fisayo is just at the beginning of her journey with this company. She has her MVP up and running, but now she needs to grow it into a profitable business. So we are going to talk to her about what that journey looks like.