Being on a podcast is a great way to get your message out, but are you ready. Preparing to be a guest on a podcast and not sure what to do? This video is your ultimate guide!
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Being on a podcast is a great way to get your message out, but are you ready. Preparing to be a guest on a podcast and not sure what to do? This video is your ultimate guide!
We have with us, Dr. Antonis Papatsaras, CTO, Hootsuite. Hootsuite started in 2008 and is the world first social media management platform. With hundreds of thousands of customers and more than 6,000 enterprise customers, Hootsuite is a social media juggernaut.
Today, back with us is Kyle Roof, CEO and Co-Founder of Page Optimizer Pro, who appeared on episode #105 back in January of '23. A lot has changed since then, so we are going to talk to Kyle about how you get your message out there with all the changes going on.
We live in the attention economy, and sometimes it seems like there isn't much attention left. Fighting to be heard, to get your message out is challenging. Having a great product or service is not enough, you need to step up and get noticed. Fortunately, there are ways to do this, you just need to know how. Today we are going to talk to the expert in getting noticed.