All in Lifestyle

Metaverse - Is it the end, or the beginning

Meta Verse

Not meta in the sense of self reference, and not a verse in the sense of epic, lyrical poetry.

Rather Meta in the sense of greater or transcendent and verse as in universe. However, since the metaverse exists within the known universe it logically can not be greater than that which contains it.

Which is an apt description because, in the end, it is merely the illusion of infinite space, time and possibility.

Building Your Personal Brand With LinkedIn's John McGrath

Have you been wanting to know how to get more out of LinkedIn, but were afraid to ask? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because we are going to be talking about all things LinkedIn.

When John McGrath moved back to Dublin Ireland in the middle of a recession, it was difficult to find a job, and he leaned heavily on LinkedIn to make it all happen. From then on, he was hooked. For years he worked with LinkedIn as a customer of LinkedIn, but eventually, he got the chance to work for them, as a Global Customer Success Manager there.

Talking About Women in Tech - Diversity and Data with Dr Coleen Tartow of Starburst Data

I was recently called out for not having enough women on the podcast, and it is a very fair criticism. Out of the last 34 interviews I have done over the last year, only 2 have been with women. Today we are going to talk diversity and data.

Women are underrepresented in technology. It can be a difficult career path for women and the underrepresented people. Today we are going to be talking about diversity, equity and inclusion in technology and how that impacts the things we build, and at the center of that is data.

Reinventing Yourself During a Pandemic with Nick Tasler

Today we are going to be talking about re-invigorating your career during a Pandemic with Organizational Psychologist Nick Tasler who appeared in Podcast #9 back in May of 2020.

When we first talked with Nick Tasler in May of last year, he was trying to figure out what he was going to do when the events industry went into lockdown effectively ending his work as a keynote speaker. We talked about pivoting, and Nick made a great pivot.

How to Succeed with Weed - Interview with Cannabis Entrepreneur Zachary Zises

These days, everyone is feeling the stress of their jobs and of the industry. With so many people just dreaming of starting over, I always hear, I am going to just quit and go work in the Cannabis industry. It is the modern equivalent of saying I am going to run off and join the circus.

But the reality is more challenging. It is a highly regulated and complex industry, it is illegal on the federal level so you are at the mercy of state regulations and an ever changing political environment. Then you have to be able to produce and sell a fairly technical and complex product that requires a high level of service to the customer. Making money in the business is not as straight forward as you might think.

Sports and Pandemic Pivots with HotMic CEO Sean Longworth

Sports has been an unfortunate victim of this global pandemic. Sports junkies all over the country are really hurting. We always say that in chaos there is opportunity, and one company standing ready to step in and help bring the fun back to sports is HotMic. HotMic gives you the opportunity to choose your watch party with your favorite sports personality, celebrity or just host your own watching parties with your friends. It is like a tailgate party in your own home. Today we have HotMic Founder, CEO and startup veteran Sean Longworth with us to talk about what it is like to build a startup in the midst of a pandemic, and how to remain agile to adjust and pivot in a market turned upside down.

What It Means To Be Indian In America With Actor Ravi Patel

You may know Ravi from his award winning documentary Meet the Patels and the Charlize Theron, Seth Rogan hit, Long Shot as well as from his work on the shows Master of None, Grandfathered, It’s aAlways Sunny in Philadelphia, Scrubs, Hawaii Five-0, Grey’s Anatomy, Children’s Hospital and The Comedians.

He is also going to be appearing in the much anticipated Wonder Woman 1984 as well as the upcoming Butter and Netflix’s upcoming Messy and the HBO Max Docu-series Ravi Patel’s Pursuit of Happiness. If that isn’t enough, Ravi is co-founder of This Saves Lives, where every time you buy a snack bar, you provide life-saving food to children in need.

Surviving COVID19 with Danial Hultin

We are going to do a short two part series on the Coronavirus. In part 1 we talked with Mark Janus from Janus Travel, who is seeing his travel business get crushed by the coronavirus pandemic. In this episode, we will be talking with Danial Hultin who survived COVID19, to get his perspective.

Welcome back to another FUTRtech video podcast. Today we are going to take a little detour into the Coronavirus illness itself. We have been hearing a lot about people who have been infected and the stories are all over the place. So today, we thought we would get a first hand story from someone who survived COVID 19.

Saving a Small Business During a Pandemic With Mark Janus

We are going to do a short two part series on the Coronavirus. In part 1 we are going to talk with Mark Janus who is seeing his travel business get crushed by the coronavirus pandemic. In part 2 we will be talking with Danial Hultin who survived COVID19 to get his perspective.

Welcome back to another FUTRtech video podcast. Today we are going to take a bit of a different approach. We have heard from various businesses about how they are adapting. And we’ve talked about the impact of the illness. We haven’t talked about the people who are out there really struggling for their futures. The tech sector has been fortunate, because it has been enabling business in this environment, but other sectors haven’t been so lucky. Travel is one of those sectors hardest hit, and there is no relief in site. So, today we have Mark Janus of Janus Travel to talk about what it is like for people with small businesses who are faced with the destruction of their dreams. I don’t think we hear enough about them.

Leadership with Shawn O'Grady - Part 1

Today I am really excited to bring Shawn O’Grady to the show, because Shawn brings a really important perspective to the conversation. As a senior executive in a 9 billion dollar technology reseller, he has a unique perspective on the business operations of a large company, but he is also constantly in the field talking with customers and working with them to find critical solutions to their problems, so he has a great perspective on what is happening in the industry. He has led technology companies through IPOs and mergers, and it is probably safe to say, he has seen it all in the biz.