All tagged Cyber Security

Life Updates: My Diabetic Story, Career Transition, and Content Creation

A lot has been going on for me, and I wanted to give you a look into what is going on.

First things first, I did a video a while back about some health problems that I was having. I was having some strange Premature Ventricle Contractions that took me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist was concerned about my high blood pressure and my cholesterol and triglycerides. Not wildly uncommon for someone in my demographic.

Battling Business Email Compromise with Abnormal Security's CISO Mike Britton

We have spent a lot of time talking about Ransomeware, and a main attack vector is phishing emails, but there is another very large problem that comes from malicious emails and that is BEC or Business Email Compromise. In fact, the FBI's IC3 reported that there were more than 4.2 billion in losses tied to cyber crime in 2020, and BEC accounted for 60% of that.

Talking Security with Safe Security CEO Saket Modi

Here at FUTRtech, we love to talk about great new companies. We also have been talking a lot about security these days with major breaches regularly appearing in the headlines. Today you are in luck, because we are going to be talking about both.

One of the challenges with security is knowing where to spend your money and where to put in the effort to achieve the best results. The truth is, unless you know what the state of your security is, it is very hard to take effective measures to protect your organization.

The Grey Side of Security with Daniel Nowak - Part 2

Here is part 2 of our interview with Daniel Nowak. Daniel has spent over two decades in the trenches of the global security community. Dan has worked for everyone from fortune 500 to Startups to governments to NGOs domestically and abroad. He consults on a wide range of security challenges and strategies. Dan describes himself as a Cyber, Intel, IO, Signals / Adjunct, Coffee, Entrepreneur and Trainer. I have known Dan since 2003, and I always find him a great source on security info. Dan will also be teaching a class online at NYU this summer on cybersecurity, so don’t miss that if you are a student at NYU.