Behind the Scenes of Home Automation: How Pepper Makes IoT Possible
Automating the Home with Pepper
If you are like me, you have been building automation into your home. I started with lights and plugs and that became locks and cameras and so many other items. All the lighting here is automated. But all of those disparate pieces of tech need to work together. We don't always think about what goes on behind the scenes to make that happen. Today we are going to dig into that.
Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR podcast.
We have with us. Scott Ford CEO and Founder of Pepper, a secure, Full-stack IoT Platform as a Service that lets companies build and deliver scalable consumer IoT solutions. And there are a lot of unlikely players getting into the IoT game. So lets's talk with Scott about what Pepper is, how they got started, and what it can do.
Welcome Scott
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