Edge Computing and Environmental Impact: How Redivider is Leading the Way

Edge Computing and Environmental Impact: How Redivider is Leading the Way

If you have watched this channel, you know that I am a bit of a Data Center nerd. I also love technology that reduces the environmental impact of these facilities, and with the growth of edge computing, the world needs innovation now.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt, here with another FUTR podcast.

Today, we are talking with Tom Frazier, co-founder and CEO of Redivider, a company that builds modular, self-contained datacenter facilities that are designed to provide powerful computing at the edge. By using innovative power solutions, they are disrupting the industry while saving the planet. So let's talk with Tom about what they are doing

Welcome Tom


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FUTR.tv focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly podcasts featuring Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talking with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

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