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What's Going On With China? An Interview With Economist Andrew Dougherty - Part 1

Welcome back to another FUTRtech video podcast. Today we turn the conversation to Asia. There has been a significant rise in the influence of Asian countries on the global stage, and some of it is hard to make sense of. We have a very special guest today who can help us make sense of all that is going on. Andrew Dougherty describes himself as a China Economist-Rapper, making sense of the Riddle Kingdom one Rhyme at a Time. Andrew is a China based economist polymath, who is smart as hell and has a huge wealth of knowledge about Asia, and he raps on top of that. Andrew uses rap to help educate people around the world about China. You can find his latest album at theredprintalbum.com.  

To quote statistician, Hans Rosling from his 2018 New York Times Best Seller Factfulness:

If the UN forecasts for Population growth are correct, and if incomes in Asia and Africa keep growing as now, then the center of gravity of the world market will shift over the next 20 years from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. Today, the people living in rich countries around the North Atlantic, who represent 11 percent of the world population, make up 60 percent of the Level 4 consumer market. Already by 2027, if incomes keep growing worldwide as they are doing now, then that figure will have shrunk to 50 percent. By 2040, 60 percent of Level 4 consumers will live outside the West.

People in North America and Europe need to understand that most of the world population lives in Asia. In terms of economic muscles “we” are becoming the 20 percent, not the 80 percent…we also misjudge our importance in the future global marketplace. Many of us forget to behave properly with those who will control the future trade deals.

You can find Factfulness Here