The Pace Of Change

The Pace Of Change

This is a really interesting visualization produced by Tarry Singh, CEO, founder & AI Researcher at Tarry has kindly released this on to the Interwebs for the greater good.

What Tarry is trying to demonstrate here is that No matter how big you are, failure to continuously innovate can cause your demise. While this is definitely true, I would like to add to that.

When we talk about emerging tech, and the need for businesses to embrace emerging tech to stay competitive and innovative, one of the challenges I encounter is the concern over risk. While startups do pose a greater potential risk, and require a greater deal of due diligence, often times the risk is no greater, and sometimes less than the established brand.

There are several factors at play. First, because of the shift away from hardware centric models to software based models, the capital costs for creating some of these technologies has dropped dramatically, which allows some of these companies to do more with less.

The success of a product in a startup’s portfolio is life or death. A product from an established company is typically one of many, and is subject to the budget changes within that organization.

What this visualization does is highlight, how fast fortunes change. Just look at the rise of Apple and Amazon, and the demise of HP, Nokia, GE, Cisco, and Intel. While this tracks changes of some of the largest and most successful companies in the world, it holds true down the line as well. The pace of change is rapid and it continues to increase.

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