Securing Sensitive Data in the Cloud with Veza: A FUTR Podcast - #109

Securing Sensitive Data in the Cloud with Veza: A FUTR Podcast - #109

Identity, Access, and Authorization to secure your data in the cloud with Veza

Do you know who has access to our most sensitive data. Seems like it should be an easy question, but in a world increasingly dominated by distributed cloud and hybrid cloud environments, this can be a harder question than you think to answer. That assumes you even know how to go about finding those answers. Today we are talking with a company that can solve that problem for you.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR podcast.

In 2020, when the rush to cloud was in full effect, the founders of Veza asked tech leaders what their biggest concern about this was, and they said it was knowing who had access to their data. So they built Veza, an Identity, Authorization and Access platform. So today we have with us frequent offender and Veza CRO, Brian O'Shea to tell us why identity and access is so important and how Veza makes it easy.

Welcome Brian

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