It's a SmallWorld After All - Talking with SmallWorld CEO David Rush - #84

It's a SmallWorld After All - Talking with SmallWorld CEO David Rush - #84

We have spoken before about the power of your network. The challenge comes in making the greatest use of your network. By exposing all of the connections, you can discover the fastest path from where you are to where you want to be. Today we are talking with a company that is working to solve that problem.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR video podcast.

It is a small world after all. I'm sure many of you have played the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon, where you try to connect the actor to pretty much everyone else in six links or less. The extent of our network is greater than we realize. SmallWorld is working to expose all of those relationships in an organization to help facilitate meaningful connections and expand the way you do sales.

We have with us David Rush, CEO of SmallWorld to tell us what the future of business looks like and how Small World works.

Welcome David focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly video podcasts where Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talk with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

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Unstructured Wisdom with Unstruk's CEO Kirk Marple - #85

Unstructured Wisdom with Unstruk's CEO Kirk Marple - #85

Meeting the Patels - Catching up with Vasant and Champa Patel - #83

Meeting the Patels - Catching up with Vasant and Champa Patel - #83