Innovative Geoengineering: How Reflective Clouds Could Buy Time Against Global Warming

Innovative Geoengineering: How Reflective Clouds Could Buy Time Against Global Warming

Watching the news is a scary proposition these days. The evidence for climate change is all around us, and we continue to break new records every day. It just doesn't seem like we can move fast enough to solve the problem. Today we are talking to someone who can help.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt, here with Sandesh Patel. Welcome to another FUTR podcast.

Today we are talking with Andrew Song, co-founder of Make Sunsets. Make Sunsets is looking to buy us time by creating reflective clouds that would give us the time we need to reduce carbon emissions. So Andrew is here to tell us about how it works, and why it is so important.

Welcome Andrew

Make Sunsets:

FUTR Audio Podcast

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