The Gig Economy Gets An Upgrade - 💰 With Alex Atwood of GravyWork - #107

The Gig Economy Gets An Upgrade - 💰 With Alex Atwood of GravyWork - #107

Talking about Upgrading the Gig Economy with GravyWork Founder Alex Atwood

We have all been witness to the rise of the gig economy. The very nature of work has changed. For companies looking to hire, staffing is one of their biggest challenges. Today we are talking with a company that is looking to disrupt the flexible staffing landscape.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR podcast.

GravyWork is a tech enabled staffing company looking to rewrite how flexible staffing works, with fast pay, convenience, transparency and training. The GravyWork app makes both working and hiring quick and easy! So let's talk with GravyWork's Founder, Alex Atwood, to learn about the future of work.

Welcome Alex


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Click Here to Subscribe focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly podcasts featuring Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talking with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

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Empower Your Security Strategy with Automated Validation from Pentera - #108

Empower Your Security Strategy with Automated Validation from Pentera - #108

End of the Year Wrap Up 🎊 🥂 🎉 with Chris and Sandesh - #106

End of the Year Wrap Up 🎊 🥂 🎉 with Chris and Sandesh - #106