Enjoy The Comedy Stylings Of... Lucidchart

Enjoy The Comedy Stylings Of... Lucidchart

OK, i run into the folks from Lucidchart at the trade shows and we chat. I like their product, but their comedy may be where they shine the brightest. I came upon this trove of awesome because my 13 year old daughter saw my Lucidchart shirt swag, and she said, “I love those guys, I follow them on Instagram.”

So my first reaction is, you follow Ariana Grande, a handful of lame YouTube Influencers and an assortment of people who create makeup tutorials. What the heck are you doing following a tech company? Then she showed me the feed and it all made sense.

Check out the whole thing, but here are some highlights.

First I give you Sneks, watch out for the nope rope

Next up is Bunnos, enjoy the booplesnoots

Bamboozled again. No one parties like the Party Parrot

Oh yeah, they also make a cool charting, diagramming, visualizing cloud-based tool built for collaboration. If you need a quick replacement for Visio on a Mac, you should check them out.

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